Addressing the Proliferation of Illegal Arms and Piracy: A Security Policy Brief for Somalia


Somalia continues to grapple with the twin challenges of illegal arms proliferation and piracy, which pose significant threats to national security, stability, and regional peace. This policy brief outlines key considerations and recommendations for addressing these pressing issues from a security perspective.

Somalia view

Somalia: Understanding the Dynamics:

Illegal arms proliferation in Somalia is fueled by various factors, including porous borders, weak governance structures, historical conflicts, and external actors seeking to exert influence. Similarly, piracy off the Somali coast persists due to economic desperation, maritime law enforcement gaps, and the availability of small arms and light weapons. Understanding these complex dynamics is essential for crafting effective security interventions.

Strengthening Border Control and Customs Enforcement:

To curb the influx of illegal arms, Somalia must enhance border control measures and strengthen customs enforcement mechanisms. This includes investing in technology and infrastructure to monitor border crossings, implementing robust inspection protocols at ports of entry, and enhancing inter-agency coordination to combat arms trafficking networks.

Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration (DDR) Programs:

Comprehensive DDR programs are critical for reducing the prevalence of illegal arms within Somali communities. By offering incentives for disarmament and providing socio-economic support for former combatants, these initiatives can help mitigate the drivers of violence and insecurity. International support and funding are crucial for the successful implementation of DDR programs in Somalia.

Enhancing Maritime Security:

To combat piracy, Somalia must strengthen its maritime security capabilities in collaboration with regional and international partners. This involves improving maritime domain awareness through surveillance technology and intelligence-sharing mechanisms, enhancing the capacity of coast guard forces to respond to maritime threats, and prosecuting piracy suspects in accordance with international law.

Addressing Root Causes:

Efforts to combat illegal arms proliferation and piracy must also address the underlying socio-economic and political drivers. This includes promoting good governance, economic development, and the rule of law to create alternative livelihood opportunities, build community resilience, and reduce the incentive for engaging in criminal activities.


Addressing the proliferation of illegal arms and piracy is paramount for Somalia’s security and stability. By implementing comprehensive measures that encompass border control, DDR programs, maritime security, and addressing root causes, Somalia can mitigate these threats and pave the way for sustainable peace and development. International support and cooperation are essential for achieving lasting solutions to these complex security challenges.

AAD Policy Research Desk


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